Tooth Extractions
At Tennessee Valley Oral Surgery, we don’t use extraction as the first line of defense against complications with your teeth. We will do what we can to save your teeth when possible. However, if extraction is the option your care team feels is best for you, we will use the most state-of-the-art technology to ensure your comfort before, during, and after the procedure.
There are typically three reasons your surgeon will choose extraction as the best course of action for you.
- You are unable to solve the problem with a root canal and a serious infection in the tooth or gums is too advanced.
- You have an unwanted tooth and need to have braces for teeth alignment.
- You have severe tooth decay and the tooth cannot be restored due to the damage.
If your case falls into one of these cases, your surgeon will discuss this with you and your options around having the tooth extracted.
Other Oral Surgeries
Most root canals are successful, but sometimes a root canal alone isn’t sufficient. If the inflection from the dead nerve inside your tooth spreads beyond the root and into the bone, surgical intervention will likely be required. In this situation, where your surgeon at Tennessee Valley Oral Surgery will remove the infected portion of the tooth’s root, clean the infection from the tooth and surrounding bone, and fill the root to prevent further infection.
Impacted Teeth Treatment
Any tooth can become impacted or blocked from entering the mouth. With the right surgeons, many of these teeth can be brought into the proper position rather than removed completely. Through a procedure called expose and bond, your surgeon will expose the impacted tooth and bond an orthodontic bracket and chain to the tooth. This bracket will then be connected to a set of braces. Your orthodontist or general dentist will then work to gradually bring the tooth into the proper position.
Frena are small folds of tissue located in the mouth. They can be found under the tongue, inside the upper and lower lips, and connecting the cheeks to the gums. A frenectomy is a simple procedure where the frenum’s connection is loosened in order to extend the range of motion.
Soft-Tissue Oral Surgeries
Soft-Tissue Oral Surgeries
These are used to add more tissue in a certain area that may be used to prevent advanced gum recession, cover an exposed root, stop sensitivity, or improve the look of a tooth.
Temporary Anchorage Devices (TADs)
These are used for a short time during orthodontic treatment. TADs are small titanium screws that orthodontists use to help reposition teeth. They are usually placed by an oral surgeon, removed when they are no longer needed, and the site is typically fully healed in a couple of days.
Gingivectomy and Gingivoplasty
Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gum tissue caused by bacteria that - if left unchecked - may lead to periodontitis. A gingivectomy surgically removes diseased or excess gum tissue and the bacteria that can cause more advanced infection. A gingivoplasty is the surgical reshaping of the gum tissue and is often performed in conjunction with a gingivectomy for functional and cosmetic purposes.
Crown-Lengthening Procedures
Before placing a crown, you may need a crown-lengthening procedure to ensure that enough of the tooth’s structure is available to securely hold a crown.