Impacted Teeth Removal
An impacted tooth is a tooth that is underneath either bone, soft tissue, or both. Usually patients frequently develop issues with their molar or wisdom teeth. These teeth can get stuck in back of the jaw, and can create infections, and possibly more problems.
Impacted Cuspid Teeth
This is the second most common tooth that can become impacted. It is critical to your dental arch and plays one of the most important roles within your bite. The cuspid teeth have the longest roots within your mouth and are made to reach your jaw and be the first to do so among the rest of your teeth.
Generally, the are the last to erupt among the rest of your front teeth. At the age of 13 they usually come in and cause close all the gaps among your front teeth and cause your bite to be tighter. If one of these cuspid teeth becomes impacted, everything must be done to get the tooth to erupt in its correct and right position within the dental arch. This technique involved in getting this impacted tooth to erupt can be done to a tooth in the upper and lower jaw, but usually are done to the upper teeth. 60% of these impacted teeth are found on the upper roof of the mouth of the dental arch. The other 40% of the impacted teeth are usually found in the middle of the supporting bone but can be stuck in an elevated position above the roots of the adjacent teeth, or out of the facial side of the dental arch.
Preventing Impacted Teeth Removal
In order to prevent impacted teeth, it is better to find the impacted teeth quickly by having regular x-rays, along with a dental examination in order to determine possible eruption issues. It is critical to find whether all the adult teeth are accounted for, or are some missing? Are the wisdom teeth presenting themselves, and is there crowding? This exam, and the x-rays can be done by your general dentist who can refer you to either an orthodontist or a dental surgeon if surgical procedures need to be completed. An oral surgeon may need to remove or extract wisdom teeth or conduct other surgical treatments. At Tennessee Valley Oral Surgery, we create custom-tailored surgical plans for each patient that walks through our door. Your oral surgeon might also need to remove teeth that are blocking eruption of the adult teeth. If the path of eruption is compromised, especially at an older age, the tooth may become fused in its position, and be more difficult. The only option if an impacted tooth has fused in its position, is to extract the tooth if it cannot be manipulated by other means.
In circumstances where teeth will not erupt naturally, your dental team should work together to spur eruption. Each patient is different and should be consulted differently. Braces may be a common plan presented by the orthodontist, especially on the upper arch. This allows for spaces to be available so that the impacted teeth can in fact erupt. Usually once the space is ready the oral surgeon will expose the eyetooth and bracketed. In a simple surgical procedure, the impacted tooth will become exposed by lifting up the gum on top of the exposed tooth. Once the tooth is presented and exposed, the orthodontist will create a chain attachment from the tooth to dental arch, and the oral surgeon will guide the guide the chain back.
These basic procedures are just one part of the plans that we adopt at Tennessee Valley Oral Surgery.
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