Oral Surgery and Anxiety: Tips for a Stress-Free Experience

dentist common operation of cleaning boy mouth.

Oral surgery can be a daunting prospect for many people. The idea of a dental procedure, whether it’s wisdom teeth removal, dental implants, or other surgical interventions, can trigger anxiety and stress. However, with the right mental preparation and a few strategies in place, you can navigate oral surgery with a sense of calm and…

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Understanding Wisdom Teeth: Why Do We Have Them and Why Remove Them?

dentist showing and explaining dental x ray picture with impacted wisdom tooth to his patient

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the latecomers to the dental party. Typically, they begin to emerge in your late teens to early twenties, a time when you’re presumably wiser and more experienced. But do these teeth live up to their name, or are they merely troublemakers that need to be evicted from…

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